
The Angel Academy is a group Mentorship program designed to help you connect with your Angels to receive wisdom, guidance, messages and healing for yourself and others.

This 14 week Mentorship includes:  

12 group Calls

6 opportunities to practice your gifts

6 meditations and/or readings prepared by Shannon to help you connect and practice your gifts

1 Private 30 min Session with Shannon

2 Testimonials from Reading you do during the program that you can use to promote your business and services

Private access to our Sacred Angel Academy Facebook Community

A special gift from Shannon

Investment:   $555.50 a month for 4 months or $444 a month for 6 months

or pay in full $2222.00 and receive a Bonus: 2 hour Private Session with Shannon

The most spiritual and exceptional navigator; I have the gift to work with. Her guidance can provide more than enlightenment, your session will give you more insight on your self-worth and clarity of your concern. You will be empowered to endure and persevere through your individual life path a little more efficiently.
— Anissa Delaware | Full-time Mommy

Want it ALL!  

receive the Angel Academy + Awaken to ascension Academy + Private Coaching + A VIP DAY

I want to thank Shannon for creating a space for so many of us to come and learn more about ourselves and make diving into spirituality easier!
— Jordan Moritz | Reiki Master